Smart home technology continues to provide new benefits to homeowners such as lowering costs while increasing your comfort. Having a wifi smart thermostat installed in your home can save you a lot of money on your energy bill every month because it learns what times people are most active in your home and will adjust the temperatures accordingly. Instead of setting a particular temperature and leaving it there all day, a smart thermostat can decrease the strain on your heating or cooling while you’re away and then ramp things back up as you get back home.Some of the many features and benefits of a smart thermostat are:

  • App-Based Scheduling
  • Smart Phone Control
  • Long-Term Learning
  • Movement Sensing
  • Voice Commands
  • Weather Tracking
  • Energy Use Tracking

With all these features at your fingertips, you have the ability to customize the temperature in your home exactly how you want it. William Heating Installation Service technicians are experts at installing all brands of smart thermostats.